Online Registration

Add Household Profile

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Account Information
*Required - email and password are used when logging into your account.

  1. Do not use your work or school email address; use your home email address.
  2. Add ACCInfo to your email safe sender list so that our response emails do not spam.
  3. Please do NOT use an icloud email as it is not compatible with our systems. We ask that you make a gmail and/or yahoo account in order to register into our system.

(8-20 characters with no spaces)
(enter password again to ensure accuracy)
Personal Information *Required

I want to receive Text Alerts
Photo/Video Consent and Release

I hereby grant to the Lorain County JVS, the right to use and publish photographs/videos of me, my image, likeness, and/or quotes for purposes of education or promotion (for any social media networks, publicity, advertising, and marketing) of the Lorain County JVS and its related activities.

Additionally, I waive the right to inspect and/or approve the finished product and the use(s) to which it will be applied.

Furthermore, I release the Lorain County JVS from any future liability or compensation claims associated with the use of said photographs/videos.

Interest Areas Please check your interests:

Check the appropriate box if you don't want to receive promotional material: